Microsoft Excel for Law Enforcement Masterclass By Blueforce Learning

  • Analyze Cell Phone Data
  • Visualize your data on a map using Google Earth Pro
  • Cross-Reference Property Data
  • Track Repeat Offenders
  • Organize Department Communications
  • Visualize Crime Statistics
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Why Our Excel Masterclass?

In-Hand Practice
You will learn theory and get a complete chance to try the theory in real life, helping you grasp all details of data handling.
Cutting-edge Tools
You will learn to use Google Earth Pro to determine locations and map crime hotspots, providing a geographic perspective on crime patterns and trends.
Advanced Excel Functions
You will learn to utilize PivotTables and PivotCharts along with CONCATENATE LOWER, SUM, AVERAGE, and VLOOKUP  to summarize and analyze data effectively.

What Our Excel Spreadsheet Class Is Offering?

We understand the challenges you face in law enforcement, especially with the overwhelming amount of data. Our Excel training courses offer a comprehensive solution, teaching you how to efficiently organize and process data. You'll learn to create tables and spreadsheets that accurately record and store data, empowering you to derive meaningful results. We will empower you to use available data with Microsoft Excel to help solve crimes and communicate evolving statistics to your department and community.
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Discover The Power Of Microsoft Excel

Blueforce Learning’s Excel Masterclass allows you to create meaningful tables and spreadsheets, enabling your officers to gather solid proof and conduct a conclusive investigation. Also, with correct data processing and normalization and using stats to find crime hotspots, the efficiency and functionality will significantly increase, making you a valuable member of your law enforcement team.

Through Our Masterclass You Will Learn

By the end of this Excel spreadsheet training, by engaging fully with all practical exercises and video tutorials, you'll be equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical, actionable skills that can be directly applied in your law enforcement role. With our Masterclass, you can become a pivotal role in your department that can provide timely results with data-centric approaches. You can efficiently be able to.
  • Build Comprehensive Contact Lists
  • Analyze Cell Phone Data
  • Visualize your data on a map using Google Earth Pro
  • Cross-Reference Property Data
  • Generate Press Releases
  • Track Repeat Offenders
  • Organize Department Communications
  • Visualize Crime Statistics

Here is what they are saying

I took a couple of weeks to chip away at it. It was very easy to follow and the format was ideal, allowing me to break it up into bits.
Moving through the course was seamless. The next/previous bars at the top are helpful, and the sidebar is also very helpful and visually exciting as it shows course progress as you continue working through the videos and tasks.
My favorite training platform by far! This training provided actionable skills put into practice in the various real-work scenarios throughout the course.   
Seeing how quickly and easily the data could be cleaned in order to better utilize it. This will help cut back on time searching through spreadsheets. Also learning how to better utilized pivot charts and tables will help a great deal as well. 
Pivot charts/tables, vlookup, google earth and organizing data to make it easily helpful and usable 


What will I need for the course?

  1. A desktop or a laptop.
  2. Microsoft Excel installed on your computer .
  3. Google Earth Pro (free) installed on your computer.

How many sections are in the course?

The course is divided into eight sections.

Can I complete the course at my own pace?

The course is completely asynchronous and can be completed at one's own pace. Each course registrant will have access to the course for 2 years, allowing them to go back and review any section again during that time and at their own convenience.

Improve Your Analytical Crime Analysis Skills with a Microsoft Excel Course